
Second Post: Spell-Check and Thin-Skin

If you're wondering if I really have the gall and lack of creativity to come up with a better name for my second post than, exactly that "Second post", the answer is no. I simply named it that after the fashion of my first post being titled "First Post". They say that the third time is the charm, so after my third post I will proceed to come up with real names for said posts.

Anyway... Back to the real world where things (since they are inherently out of my controlled environment) do not work out to be as witty or funny as many of us would like.

By the way, I have officially decided that I love spell-check. However, I would like to note that it is not for the reason that many of you reading this (if the number of people reading this justifies my use of the word "many") may think. The thought that I reference, or rather, the misconception that I reference is to think that I like it because it corrects my spelling. Not only is this an unneeded remedy, but that entire view is very selfish.
Instead of this, I enjoy spell-check because it assists the communication between people of different vocabularical, grammatical, and literacy-cal backgrounds. I mean, really, how many times had spell-check saved you from either: 1) Having to ask someone to clarify because you couldn't understand them due to too many incorrectly spelt words, or words that were too badly misspelled to recognize, or 2) Feeling unintelligent because, were there no spell-check, no one would be able to understand you?

Just to clarify, I mean no insult to those who may fall in the second category. If you feel insulted, that's your bad. It's the facts, and facts may sometimes be painful. Which reminds me!

I know way to many people that are thin-skinned (apologies to anyone who may be clinically and physically thin-skinned). My parenthetical statement implies that I reference that are emotionally "thin-skinned". I refer specifically to people that can't handle the truth when it comes to their own short-comings. Sadly, I've noticed that this is a condition of the general human population. This ailment being so widespread makes it difficult for those of us who are...a little more outspoken than others, to get along in today's society. It makes it so, to be considered decent people, we have to be constantly apologizing to people (as you have seen me do multiple times within this post).
Speaking of thin skinned people, I have a couple haranguing me to leave the computer. To avoid futher conflict, I believe I shall honor their requests. So long, everyone, until the next post...

The Fro

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