
Goals and Blog Traditions

Well, I've decided that, since I spend so much time on the computer, I might as well use some of my time to post on this blog. My goal is a post every day, although I realize that probably won't happen. I figure that one should always set their goals higher than what one think they are capable of. It helps expand one's potential. So, that's the new goal. Expect to see now posts often, even if their kind of short.

Speaking of post length, I feel that I will be letting you all down with this post. If you noticed, my previous post seemed to be increasing exponentially in length over time. Especially with that last one; that was a monster. Not only in length, but in content. If you haven't read "Third Post: Latin Pride and Black Comradery", please do. It's very...interesting, to say the least. Back to the main point of this paragraph. Due to the increased post frequency, I will not have as much content to post each time I do. So, yeah, that means less reading if you check back often, possibly more if you wait a few days.

Something else you guys will learn about me quite quickly is that I am a Trekkie. Not just a Trekkie, but a fairly dedicated Trekkie. I don't go to Comic-Con or any similar festival. But, I know quite a bit about Star Trek, and enjoy watching and episode now and then. Except for Deep Space Nine. Many of you (again, using many when I have no followers...) who have seen Deep Space Nine may understand why.

Okay, I was going to give the summary of an episode, but I'm just going to let you guys read up on it, if you care enough to do so. The link to the episode Stigma is http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Stigma. Bassically, it's a allegory for AIDS. I'll try to do this every time too, a Star Trek episode that I think my audience (all X/0 of you) might enjoy or appreciate.

Looks like I'm done. Good day to you all...until next time.


  1. Well I must say that its good to see/read your righting. I liked your statement regarding setting goals. Personal growth can only be achieved if we are always striving to do better. Staying content with the "norm" allows you to level off and become comfortable with where you are. I often find myself feeling that way at work, where i become "comfortable" and not striving to get better. I now recognize that behavior and immediately go about correcting the situation by taking on a case i know will be difficult and where i know my knowledge of the software is not all that great. Keep on Blogging! Me and mom will be reading for sure.

  2. Btw, oops on righting.. meant writting... hahaha! UP THE IRONS!
